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Year 6


Welcome to the Year 6 page

Mrs Dickie/Mrs Westall - Black Rhino class

Mrs Wardle - Orca class

Mrs Green - Asian Elephant class


Useful Information

Homework - Homework will be given out on a Thursday and due in the following Tuesday.  Homework in Year 6 will be Literacy, Maths and Spellings. Children are expected to learn their times tables and these are practised daily. 

Reading - Children are expected to read at least 5 times a week at home.  Please record reading at home in reading records.  Reading records will be checked daily. Their achievements are shown on their class reading tree. Every child has an apple on the tree which moves around as their days reading at home increase. It becomes very competitive to be the first one to reach the 'Golden Apple'!

PE - We have 2 PE lessons per week - 1 outdoor and 1 indoor.  Please ensure PE kit is in school (including a change of footwear) Monday to Friday.

This term, Black Rhinos will be having one of their P.E lessons taken by the Sports Coach and will be focussing and refining their hockey skills on Wednesday afternoons.

Summer Term 1- Take One Artefact

Our topic for Summer 1 is based around a historical artefact. This is mystery until it is revealed in the first week back at school! Watch this space to find out what it is!

In the documents listed below, you can find our curriculum newsletter for Summer 1 and the knowledge organisers linked to our learning throughout this term in the different subjects.

Help with Maths

We now have guidance videos on how we use the written methods for the four operations on the Maths page! If you are ever unsure, have a look.

Useful websites

Times Tables Rock Stars

Reading Eggs

Information about SATs