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Year 3




Welcome to the Year 3 page

Miss Hayday - Shark Class

Mrs Longbourne - Polar Bear Class

Miss Kee - Panda Class

Useful Information

Homework - Homework will be given out on a Friday and due in on the following Wednesday.  Homework in Year 3 is Spellings and times tables which are tested on a Thursday.  All the children have been given a login sheet for Times Tables Rock Stars and Reading Eggs which they can use to practise times tables facts and reading skills at home.  If you cannot find your login sheet, please contact your class teacher who can sort out a copy to keep at home.

Reading - Children are expected to read at least 5 times a week at home.  Please record reading at home in reading records.  Reading records will be checked daily, and a record kept of how many times children have read at home.  Children earn apples for certain numbers of daily reads and these get displayed on a class reading tree in the classroom.

PE - We have 2 PE lessons per week - 1 outdoor and 1 indoor.  Please ensure PE kit is in school from Monday to Friday.

Below is information about our learning this term as well as links to useful websites to support learning at home.

Summer Term 2 - Take One Culture: India

Our focus for Spring Term 1 has a geographical theme - we will be exploring the country of India.  We will link as much of our work as possible with this theme, exploring the geography of India and looking at stories set in India in English lessons and linking our DT project to this theme as well..

In English lessons our work will focus on the text 'The Cloud Tea Monkeys'.  We will explore prepositions and write setting descriptions as well as write our own stories.  Then we will explore persuasive texts, building up our skills to write a holiday brochure persuading people to visit India.  In lessons, we will continue to focus on writing super sentences throughout this term, making sure we punctuate them accurately and use interesting vocabulary.  We will explore using different conjunctions to add more detail to sentences as well as using paragraphs to organise our writing on the page.

In Maths, we will look at shape, statistics and mass and capacity.  We will continue to explore our 3x, 4x and 8x tables this term, becoming more fluent in rapidly recalling facts from these multiplication tables.

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Use the videos below to help practice your 3x, 4x and 8x tables:


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In Science lessons this term, we will be looking at Plants.  We will learn about the different parts of a plant and their functions.  We will explore seed dispersal and the life cycle of flowering plants.  Look at the knowledge organiser for more information about our learning:

BBC Bitesize - Plants topic

Wider Curriculum Work

Our Geography topic this term is India.  We will locate India on a map of Asia as well as identifying the different regions of India on a map.  We will look at human and physical features of India and explore the tea trade, discovering who India trades with and why it is important.

Our French topic is time, and in PE we will be focussing on athletics and cricket.  In DT, we will be exploring, designing, making and evaluating packaging to protect biscuits.  Our learning in RE will explore what symbols and stories help Jewish people remember their covenant with God.

Have a look at the Knowledge Organisers below to find out more about our learning this term:

Useful websites to support learning

Times Tables Rock Stars

Reading Eggs

BBC Bitesize Year 3 English

BBC Bitesize Year 3 Maths

BBC Bitesize Year 3 Science