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Aunt Lucy said, "If we're kind and polite, the world will be right." - Paddington 


At Clarendon Junior School, PSHE enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.  The Jigsaw scheme of work, which we use to deliver the curriculum, aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.  

We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society, both in school and in the wider world.  Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life, for example, acting as School Council representatives and House Captains. 

PSHE is taught across the school from Year 3 – 6 on a weekly basis either by the class teacher or PPA cover.  We teach PSHE from Jigsaw, with a clear skill and knowledge progression.  This ensures that the skills and knowledge are built on each year and maximises learning for all children.  The Jigsaw programme brings together PSHE education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in one scheme. 

Jigsaw PSHE is taught through six key areas throughout the year.  Every year group works on the same key area, creating a whole school approach.  These areas are: 
• Being Me in My World 
• Celebrating Difference 
• Dreams and Goals 
• Healthy Me 
• Relationships 
• Changing Me

Each lesson has the same structure, so the children know what part of the lesson is happening next.  This also supports the learning of PSHE as the children know the expectation of the lesson even though they have transitioned into another year.  PSHE is mainly carried out through discussion and practical work – a time where children feel free to discuss their views with confidence and maturity.  Where work is recorded, this is mainly done within a class PSHE ‘scrap book’.    

By using this approach our children will have: A ready willingness and ability to try new things, push themselves and persevere; A good understanding of how to stay safe, healthy and develop good relationships; An appreciation of what it means to be a positive member of a diverse, multicultural society; A self-awareness, interlinked with compassion of others.

PSHE around our school

What pupils say about PSHE at Clarendon Junior School:

"I am proud to see my work in the class scrap book." 

"I like being able to share ideas and discuss different things."

 "We are not ever forced to say anything if we don't want to in lessons.  This makes me feel comfortable."

"I like the inclusivity of PSHE and how it teaches people to be tolerant." 

Autumn 1, 2023

The whole school theme ws 'Being Me'.  We learnt about what makes us responsible learners at school, looking at class rules and routines.  

Autumn 2, 2023 

This term, we will look at diversity and study how we are all different. 

Spring 1, 2024

This term, we will be looking at dreams and goals.  This includes goal setting, aspirations for ourselves and the world and working together.

Spring 2, 2024

This term, our theme will be Healthy Me.  We will be looking at self-esteem, lifestyle choices and how to make healthy choices. 

Summer 1, 2024

This term, our theme is relationships.  This includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills.

Summer 2, 2024

Our theme is Changing Me.  We will be thinking a lot about how we change as we grow up, for example, getting taller.  We will also be thinking about transition as we get ready to move up into the next year group or to secondary school.