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September 2022

  • New Forest Wildlife Park

    Published 27/09/22

    As part of Take One World, Year 6 went to the New Forest Wildlife Park. When there, we looked at lots of different animals that had been helped by it. Many animals had been rescued and are now thriving here including otters, wolves, foxes, deer, wild boar and badgers. The children loved the wallabies bouncing past them and seeing the bison cantering up the field was a sight to be seen.  As well as looking at the conservation aspect of the park, the children also produced their own sketch maps relating to various animal enclosures. It was a fantastic day and it was lovely to see the animals looking so well; as well as, the interest shown by all the children for the importance of conservation.  

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  • Times Table Rockstars Day!

    Published 27/09/22

    We had the most amazing day full of times table fun and excitement. The children all looked amazing dressed up as rock stars and took part in a whole school times table competition on the TTRS website. The children took part in games, art, P.E and even wrote poems about times tables in Literacy! The week ended with the launch of the new Times Table Rockstars weekly competition in assembly and awarding the highest scorers of each class.and the highest scoring class of the year group. The staff also had a fiercely fought competition- Miss Bradley ending up the staff champion! 

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  • Roald Dahl Day

    Published 16/09/22
    Tuesday 13th September 2022 The whole school celebrated Roald Dahl Day by doing a range of fun and exciting activities linked to his rhymes. These included wanted posters, descriptions of characters, art, performing poems and even orienteering!&nb
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  • Times Table Rock Stars

    Published 01/09/22

    This year, on Tuesday 20th September, we would like the children to come to school dressed up as a music star to launch our new Times Table Rockstar competitions. Lots of music stars wear simple outfits, such as jeans and t-shirts, so please do not buy any expensive costumes.

    During the day, each child will get a chance to take part in a whole school times table challenge on the Times Table Rockstar website and there will be rewards and prizes awarded for a range of different achievements, including Beat Your Teacher!

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September 2022