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Latest News

Look here to see the latest news and what we have been doing in school!

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  • Red Nose Day

    Published 17/03/24

    Red, red, red!

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  • World Book Day

    Published 08/03/24

    A Whole Day of Book Fun!

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  • Books Through Dance

    Published 08/03/24

    The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo

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  • Festival of Sport

    Published 06/03/24

    Year 3 and 4 represent Clarendon Junior School at Multi-skills Festival

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  • Year 6 Trip to the Museum of Army Flying

    Published 26/02/24

    On Monday 19th February, Year 6 visited the Museum of Army Flying in Andover. We had a great day learning about the role of the Royal Air Corps in World War I. We were able to explore some of the military aircraft and how it developed through history. We had an expert introduce us to the Sopwith Pup aircraft which was pinnacle in bringing the attacks to the enemy lines. We were able to create our own model bi-places and visit the war memorial on site.

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  • Year 6 Victorian Day

    Published 26/02/24

    On Thursday 7th of December, Year 6 had a very different day at school. They arrived as Victorian school children and embarked on a day of schooling as it would have been in 1865. The day was complete with Victorian teachers, using slates and abacuses and following the traditional Victorian school rules. We learnt a lot about how children were treated and thought about in Victorian society and the focuses of education at that time. It was a lot of fun but a bit worrying at first!

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  • Year 6 Trip to Winchester Science Museum

    Published 26/02/24

    On Thursday 16th November, Year 6 travelled to Winchester Science Museum. We spent the day exploring the different hands-on experiments and exploring how sound travels and the effects of gravity on different planets. To help us with our current Science topic on the circulatory system, we spent time in a workshop with a scientist and explored how the heart works and the effects of exercise on the heart and lung capacity. The workshop also included looking at animal hearts and exploring the different chambers and valves- this was our favourite part as we were allowed to touch them (with gloves on!).

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  • Clarendon's Day of Shape!

    Published 26/02/24

    On Friday the 9th of February, the whole of Clarendon Federation embarked on a day focused on shape! At the juniors, we explored the different properties of 2d and 3d shapes and tackled some problems using our knowledge of shape in every year group. It was a great day full of practical activities and lots of discussion about shapes! 

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  • Shark Class get an exciting delivery!

    Published 08/02/24

    Author sends signed copy of her newest book!

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  • Year 4 - Winchester Science Centre

    Published 07/02/24

    Year 4 visit to Winchester Science Centre 

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  • Art Attack!

    Published 07/02/24

    Wiltshire Scrapstore Art Workshops

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  • Super Science

    Published 07/02/24

    Take One Scientist Launch

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